Directions to Port Townsend
There are a few different options for getting from SeaTac Airport or downtown Seattle up to Port Townsend (PT).
1) If you arrive on Friday, you can take a rideshare OR the lightrail from the airport to the downtown Seattle ferry dock. Once there, buy a $9 round-trip pass for the ferry to Bainbridge Island (not Bremerton!). From the Bainbridge ferry dock, we will have a shuttle van transporting folks to PT. More details about the Friday shuttle times will be announced in March.
2) Rent an automobile and then EITHER drive around Puget Sound by way of Tacoma up to Port Townsend, OR drive the rental onto the ferry (yes, the ferry transports vehicles too; passes are $17, one-way) and then, once you arrive on the other side, drive from Bainbridge to Port Townsend.
3) Book a seat on the Rocket Shuttle. They pick up at the airport and drop off in Port Townsend. If you’re booking a single seat, they’re a little expensive, and tickets need to be booked at least 3 days in advance.
4) Coordinate a carpool with some local Seattle dancers!