Risk and Liability
Dancing is a physical activity that can result in bodily injury. By registering for Swingin by the Sound (hereafter referred to as "this event"), you acknowledge this risk and take full responsibility for any physical injuries that may occur as a result of your participating in this event. Moreover, you agree not to hold the Ball of Fire Dance Company, its staff, the American Legion Hall, or its staff responsible for any injuries or damages that may occur as a result of your participating in this event.
If any of the staff hired by Ball of Fire Dance Company, or the American Legion Hall (hereafter referred to as "the staff") observe an attendee acting irresponsibly or purposefully endangering others, that attendee will be given a warning. If the behavior continues, the attendee will be ejected from this event, and no refund will be given. Examples of "acting irresponsibly or purposefully endangering others" include but are not limited to the following: executing aerials (a.k.a. "air steps") on the dance floor during a social dance, showing lack of regard for the presence of others on the dance floor (especially while performing dance steps that involve kicking), intentionally spilling drinks in areas where attendees are dancing, and using excessive physical force when leading or following during a social dance.
Personal Conduct
Ball of Fire Dance Company reserves the right to eject or permanently ban anyone from any Ball of Fire Dance Company events.
Ball of Fire Dance Company wishes to keep the swing dance community open, friendly, and supportive. For this reason, harassment, assault, and/or bullying of any kind—whether physical or psychological—will not be tolerated at this event. If the staff find that someone is harassing, assaulting, or bullying another attendee(s) at this event, this person will immediately be ejected from this event.
The following are examples of harassment, assault, and/or bullying:
Soliciting sexual favors from another person(s) in exchange for money, material items, or services of some kind.
Deliberately and without apology, touching another person's mouth, crotch, buttocks, or breasts (this includes brushing up against these parts of a person's body) without his/her consent.
Repeatedly calling another person by a name(s) or label that this person finds inappropriate and/or demeaning, and doing such even after being informed that the name or label makes that person uncomfortable.
Schedule Changes
By registering for this event, you acknowledge that the schedule is subject to change, and you accept that the Ball fo Fire Dance Company is not liable for any loss or damage incurred due to a change in this event's schedule.
Participation by Minors
All attendees under the age of 18 must submit written consent, and this consent must be signed and dated by the attendee's parent or legal guardian. For further information, please contact us at theshagchannel@gmail.com.
By registering for this event, attendees acknowledge that those under the age of 21 are prohibited by law from consuming alcoholic beverages. And by registering for this event, you accept and agree to abide by this law through either avoiding the consumption of alcoholic beverages yourself (if you are under 21 years of age) or by refraining from providing such beverages to attendees who are under 21 years of age.
Film and Photography
Filming and photographing during this event, including during the dance competitions, is permitted. However, distribution of video footage taken of this event, including the dance competitions, is prohibited without the express consent of Ball of Fire Dance Company. This means that, for example, posting video footage of this event on internet sites such as Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube is prohibited without the consent of the Ball of Fire Dance Company.
Please be advised that attendees at this event may be filmed or photographed by someone hired by Ball of Fire Dance Company. The photography and video footage taken by these hired individuals may be used at a later time for the purpose of promoting Ball of Fire Dance Company, its events, or its employees (dancers). This photography and video footage will not be used for any other purpose.
By registering for this event, you acknowledge and agree that photographs and/or video footage you take of this event are for personal use only and may not be sold or used in any production without the express consent of Ball of Fire Dance Company.
You must explicitly notify Ball of Fire Dance Company in writing if you do not wish to be filmed or photographed during this event. By registering for this event, you acknowledge this, you agree that you may be photographed or filmed while participating in this event, and you give your consent that this photography and video footage may be used by Ball of Fire Dance Company for promotional purposes.
We respect the privacy of your information. Ball of Fire Dance Company only stores information relevant to your registration and/or necessary for the purpose of contacting you. We do not store your credit card numbers or your banking information. When you pay for a pass to this event on our website, we only store your method of payment and the amount you paid. Ball of Fire Dance Company will not sell your personal information.
Swinging by the Sound reserves the right to adjust the Health Policy based on local data and recommendations. If local conditions worsen with regards to COVID-19 or any other severe contagious illness, we reserve the right to implement stricter precautions or cancel the event if necessary.
If you are sick, or have any symptoms of Covid-19 or any respiratory illness, please do not attend. If you have been recently exposed to Covid-19 or any other significant respiratory illness, please stay home. We ask that all individuals follow CDC guidelines for exposure times. As the CDC recommends, if you are still testing negative after five days of exposure and have no symptoms, please wear a mask and take a Covid test before attending the event.
Masking is not mandatory but encouraged, especially for people with compromised immune systems or those who wish to take extra precautions.
Please be respectful of others’ health and personal boundaries. Wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer regularly when social dancing and coming into contact with others. And please wear a high-quality mask if you desire extra protection.